Category Archives: artistic projects

The main problem I was developed in the years of my art activity is the relation of the technology-science and person-body-identity in cultural environment. In the latst years I was exploring post-human and non-human cultures trying to build bridges on technological platforms using affect as interspecies language. First decade was devoted to video and vido-identity problem. Nowadays the medium of my art is life as interactive, software based computing installations combined with popular lifeforms. Transspecies affective communication had led me to inventing new transspecies sexual interfaces and DIY medical media (EEG, GSR, USG). The field of my research expands recent definitions of life on the field of minerals and spiritual world.

Embodied Poetry – biosemiotic body art performance of affective poetry

During this show I will create embodied poetry – using my software as I did with plants before. The computer will read aloud word and my body will react on them, next in the reversed process my body reaction will be interpreted by the software I created backward into the words. The … bioart, ozdoby wnętrz